Continuing Education & Attendance

To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, the Atlanta Area Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, the Appraisal Institute and its affiliates, suppliers, advertisers, and agents disclaim all warranties. This job board, the materials (including but not limited to user content) on the job board, any product or service obtained through the job board, and the software are provided “as is” and “as available” and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. The Atlanta Area Chapter and/or the Appraisal Institute has no control over the actual hiring decisions or other aspects of any transaction between employers and job seekers. Neither the Atlanta Area Chapter nor the Appraisal Institute review, endorse or warrant any part of any job posting, resume or any other user submitted information. Your use of the job board and any materials provided through this job board is entirely at your own risk. Please click here to read the full disclaimer.

State of Atlanta Conference Continuing Education & Attendance Policy

We will apply for Appraisal Institute continuing education credit as follows: 17.5 points for Part 1 and 17.5 points for Part 2 of the State of Atlanta Conference (total of 35 AI points). 

    We will apply for GA Real Estate Commission & Appraisers Board continuing education credit as follows: 3.5 hours per part (total of 7 hours). 100% attendance is required per session.  

    100% attendance is required for continuing education credit.